Okay, so I've had a quick trip around Amman and my opinion so far is Jordan...very nice country and friendly people. It is noted, when looking for a cheap ride just talk loudly to a taxi cab driver and out of no where 4 other taxi drivers will offer you a better price. Even if you turn them all down, everyone you encounter will end with a sincere "Welcome to Jordan" goodbye. Men here don't usually talk to women and women aren't supposed look them in the eye, it's just the culture. So it's nice traveling in big groups with males present. I've been in cabs in Mexico, San Francisco, Spain, New York..etc and they all share something in common with Amman, they are crazy. The cab drivers make a middle lane for themselves, wasting no time, this is how we ended up getting into an accident. No car insurance exchanged needed just a few words, I imagine vulgar words and a slight wave and they both go their separate ways.
The people in our group are majority of UCSD students, not all archaeology and not all studying in the U.S. It's nice to hear of other's travels, some were just in Peru, Belize, Ireland, etc. on other excavation trips. I guess that's the life of archaeology. It's been really cool and helpful learning different focus' of archaeology. I feel if this is something I'm interested and want to pursue, I will be doing a dig a year if possible and could get paid for doing it. What's that called traveling and getting paid to do it? OH yeah, my dream!
I'm heading off to the dig site this afternoon, where I'll be located south of Dead Sea..Faynan or Khirbat en-Nahas...You can see the description of our excavation here http://www.anthro.ucsd.edu/~tlevy/Archaeology_in_the_Levant/ELRAP_Jordan_Field_School.html
I will be able to receive fed exes...Here's the exact address..
Alejandra Gonzalez c/o ACOR, 8 Rashid al Abadla, Tla' al Ali, Amman, 1181 JORDAN
(just found out we will rarely be visiting here to pick up the items so if you are sending things send quick)Please send me addresses so I can send you cute postcards of camels and things, lol.
While on site I will have no internet access, once a week we will travel different cities, so I'll accumulate an assortment of pictures and writtings. Thanks for reading, Ali.
Just found out that National Geographic not only will be watching us, but documenting our WHOLE DIG!! I should've brought more clothes, hopefully they don't notice I wear the same clothes every day. AWESOME :)