So after a day and a half of rest from the jet lag and the broken storytelling to friends and family. I am now able to reflect on my last two months in Jordan. First off there are little things that are difficult adjusting back to in America, variety of food restaurants, the toilets aren't just a whole in the middle of the floor, and women around (I can actually talk to women and see their faces).
Now everyone has heard the good and the bad from my trip, because I don't want to give the wrong idea. It was difficult and not just the pretty pictures I post all the time. We compare it to bootcamp. The last night at camp, we had a bonfire and everyone at camp asked each other, would you do it again? Most of the answers were the same, "HELL NO",followed by a "if it was less time" or "better food" or "I've grown alot, so maybe". I agree with all of these statements, I learned alot of history, the Middle Eastern culture, Arabic and most importantly about myself.
I feel like Jordan was a counseling experience, it made all my thoughts, fears, desires surface and I tackled them head on. I have some new goals and organized my priorities. I know my limits from this trip, which seemed alot like Survivor, it tested me and I made it through. I read about 5 books on this trip. One has circulated in my closet since High School, I never read but a few pages. I contemplated giving it away or selling it. But I am so glad I threw it in my suitcase and gave it another try on this trip. I base alot of my positive outlook, due to this book. Wild at Heart, it gave me direction and made me see everything around me differently. There is a quote in the book "Don't ask yourself what the world needs . Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who come alive." Living in the desert, in what seems like solitude, without interuptions has surfaced the questions I have neglected to address. I have reached a new spiritual level, through this mental/physical challenge. I feel alive and will now tackle my uncertainty with a smile, because it should no longer be wired as a negative word in my vocabulary. It will now be welcomed with breathless expectation. Live Today.
I got bit by the travel bug years ago and now I Thank You to all those who supported me. I will try my best to make this blog a frequent travel entry, not only as a personal journal for me, but an escape reading for you as well. I'll share my sights and stories. It's one of the only things I am good at sharing. Ma'salama
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