This week was very eventful/stressful. After returning from Amman we had a small uninvited visitor who was roaming in our tent. I wouldn't stop standing on my cot in horror. We found another scarab at site W (Tuesday), which equals Awesome. We experienced our first flash flood in the Wadi and had to leave site early to finish our work day at the lab. And I learned how to make site top plans all week. Anyways, Wednesday I was screening in the a.m. at site and found an oval shaped copper earing, it was so delicate. Nat Geo came the last two days and filmed although I don't think I was in it, booo. I am still learning my Arabic from my bff Ouda, who told me this week that 'Ali America Jordan sad'. I thought it was adorable. Okay so finishing off our last weekend trip here in Aqaba, our home away from home. Partied at an apartment suite in the Movenpick and karaoked with everyone at the Golden Tullip. We now prep for a 9 day work week, which involves completing a newly started excavation of a building and packing up everything at camp/lab. I might need a couple Red Bulls. Bye Everyone. I will finish up one last blog before my departure from Amman. Ma'salama
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